Latest Happening

Lahore – 2024

Launch of PBDN-Textiles Chapter

In a significant step towards inclusivity in Pakistan’s textile and fashion industry, EFP, with support from German Development Cooperation, has launched the Textile Chapter of the Pakistan Business and Disability Network (PBDN).

Since its inception, PBDN has engaged employers to enhance disability confidence, build capacity to understand disability dynamics, and challenge perceptions and stigma associated with People with Disabilities (PWDs). The PBDN-Textile Chapter will focus on advocating for disability-inclusive policies and exploring solutions to create lasting job opportunities in Pakistan’s textile and fashion industry.

Launch Event Highlights:
  • Dynamic discussions on challenges and opportunities for sustainable employment for PWDs.
  • A panel of trailblazers breaking barriers with effective disability-inclusive workplace policies.
  • Signing of the Disability Inclusion Pledge, uniting stakeholders to create equitable workplace opportunities under the PBDN-Textile Chapter.
Call for Action - A Pledge Majyd Aziz, Past President EFP

“Times have changed; we must recognize that PWDs are an extremely important segment of our society and must be fully integrated.

It is our collective responsibility to inspire and support PWDs, ensuring they always have hope”

“The issue lies not with disabled people themselves but with a system that fails to support them adequately.

Due to 85 percent of the population, 15 percent population is forced to be disabled”

Inclusion of PWDs Asim Zafar, CEO SAAYA
Call for Action - A Pledge
Majyd Aziz, Past President EFP


“Times have changed; we must recognize that PWDs are an extremely important segment of our society and must be fully integrated.

It is our collective responsibility to inspire and support PWDs, ensuring they always have hope”


“The issue lies not with disabled people themselves but with a system that fails to support them adequately.

Due to 85 percent of the population, 15 percent population is forced to be disabled”

Inclusion of PWDs
Asim Zafar, CEO SAAYA

Future actions include:

  • Employers Perceptions Survey to gather insights and understand current practices and challenges in disability inclusion within the textiles industry.
  • A Policy Dialogue will be carried out to discuss and refine disability-inclusive policies
  • Accessibility Assessments of organizations to ensure inclusive workplaces for PWDs, identifying and addressing barriers to create more accommodating and equitable environments.
  • 2nd EFP Disability Inclusion Excellence Awards 2024 to continue recognizing and celebrating organization’s commitment towards promoting inclusive workplace policies and initiatives for PWDs.

For further information, please contact EFP-PBDN: