Pakistan Business Disability Network


EFP-Pakistan Business and Disability Network

EFP launched PBDN – an employer led platform to facilitate the inclusion of persons with disabilities and promote workplace diversity in Pakistan.


Launch of PBDN-Textiles Chapter

EFP and GIZ successfully launched Pakistan Business & Disability Network-Textiles Chapter dedicated to fostering an inclusive job market for PWDs in the Textiles & Fashion Industry of Pakistan.

Featured Company
Meezan Bank – Roshnaas Program

The ‘Roshnaas’ program aims to break down barriers and provide PWDs with a chance to showcase their talents, contributing significantly to the organization and society.

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Third PBDN Meeting - Collaboration and Compliance

The meeting emphasized the importance of public-private collaboration, along with opportunities for mentorship & career counseling.

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Launch of PBDN-Textiles Chapter

EFP and GIZ successfully launched PBDN-Textiles Chapter dedicated to fostering an inclusive job market for PWDs in the Textiles & Fashion Industry of Pakistan.
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EFP-Pakistan Business and Disability Network

EFP launched PBDN – an employer led platform to facilitate the inclusion of persons with disabilities and promote workplace diversity in Pakistan.

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Success Story

Farhana Malik

My name is Farhana Malik, 32, from Faisalabad, Punjab. Suffering from from a physical disability due to typhoid fever at age 2, I faced immense challenges throughout my education and job search.

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Featured Company

Featured Company
Meezan Bank – Roshnaas Program

The ‘Roshnaas’ program aims to break down barriers and provide PWDs with a chance to showcase their talents, contributing significantly to the organization and society.

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