Latest Happening

Karachi – 2023

EFP Established Pakistan Business Disability Network 

With a strong commitment to the Decent Work Agenda and the UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities agenda of ‘leave no one behind’ EFP joined hands with ILO and Sightsavers Pakistan to establish an employer-led network ‘Pakistan Business and Disability Network’ to support and facilitate employers to become more inclusive of persons with disabilities.

The Network is the only platform in Pakistan where employers, workers, and government representatives are working together with the organizations working for PWDs and social organizations – to the benefit of business, persons with disabilities, and communities in Pakistan.

The PBDN Network aims to:

  • Foster disability and inclusion practices and policies in the workplace.
  • Strengthen the confidence of employers and job readiness of persons with disabilities.
  • Engage in policy advocacy and dialogue at the provincial and federal for safeguarding the PWDs.
  • Create employment opportunities for PWDs via training and development, coaching, and mentoring.
  • Showcase private sector contributions and activities driving change at the workplace and championing workplace diversity and disability inclusion.

Call for Action

Organizations interested in joining this coalition are invited to submit the PBDN Membership Form to EFP-PBDN.

For further information, please contact EFP-PBDN: