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Third PBDN Meeting – Collaboration and Compliance

The Third Meeting of the Pakistan Business and Disability Network was organized in Karachi on 16 August 2024 with representatives present from the private sector, government bodies, organizations of people with disabilities, and people with disabilities themselves.

Actionable solutions were discussed to empower people with disabilities, laying out key interventions for the PBDN plan for 2024-25:

✅ Private sector accessibility assessment and awareness-raising.
✅ ‘Employment-ready’ skills development opportunities.
✅ Policy advocacy to review and strengthen current legislation for disability inclusion in the labour market.
Call for Action - A Pledge Majyd Aziz, Past President EFP

“Times have changed; we must recognize that PWDs are an extremely important segment of our society and must be fully integrated.

It is our collective responsibility to inspire and support PWDs, ensuring they always have hope”

“The issue lies not with disabled people themselves but with a system that fails to support them adequately.

Due to 85 percent of the population, 15 percent population is forced to be disabled”

Inclusion of PWDs Asim Zafar, CEO SAAYA

The Meeting also emphasized the importance of public-private collaboration and opportunities for mentorship and career counselling, as highlighted by Munazza Gillani from Sightsavers: “Progress is only possible with public-private collaboration,” and Saquiba Aziz from GIZ: “Mentorship and guidance open doors to a more inclusive future.”

Past President and Director of EFP, Majyd Aziz, opened the meeting by commending the impactful work being done by PBDN. He stressed the importance of establishing a comprehensive database of organizations working for Persons with Disabilities and called for greater visibility of the network’s efforts, as many businesses are still unaware of the strides being made in disability inclusion in Pakistan.

The meeting featured a presentation by the EFP Secretary General Syed Nazar Ali, who outlined the network’s initiatives over the past year and shared future plans to elevate PBDN’s agenda. The presentation showcased key activities such as awareness raising, job fairs, and policy dialogues aimed at promoting disability inclusion in Pakistan.

The attendees actively contributed to the discussion, offering insightful suggestions. Mobeen Chughtai from Soorty Enterprises Pvt Ltd. proposed creating videos showcasing companies’ successful practices in disability inclusion to build trust and inspire other organizations to follow suit. Sohabia Taqdees from GIZ recommended sharing global best practices to motivate further efforts in disability inclusion. She also emphasized the importance of fostering innovation within disability inclusion strategies. By adopting innovative approaches, organizations can create more dynamic, adaptable environments that meet the evolving needs of Persons with Disabilities. Mr. Fareed Siddiqui from the Employment Exchange Govt of Sindh underscored the importance of collaborating with government bodies to ensure the successful implementation of PBDN’s initiatives.

One of the key discussions revolved around the challenges of retaining Persons with Disabilities in the workforce. Attendees highlighted the need for training programs focused on skill development and enhancement to help Persons with Disabilities adapt to evolving market demands.

The meeting concluded with a commitment from all participants to continue working towards creating a more inclusive environment for Persons with Disabilities and to actively contribute to PBDN’s initiatives, ensuring that Persons with Disabilities are integrated into all levels of the workforce.

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