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Course Overview
This Diploma in Employment Laws and Industrial Relations will equip HR/IR managers, operational managers and HR/IR professionals and practitioners with all the necessary tools and techniques for developing a better understanding of industrial relations, learn employment laws of Pakistan, its applicability at the work place, its need, and implications.

Course Objectives
- To study the employment laws, examine and evaluate its compliance in Pakistan
- To review the laws and regulations related to IR and look for areas to make more relevance to current conditions.
- To learn to identify gaps in compliance with the labor laws and help prepare them for labor inspection,
- To help integrate the elements, both IR & HR into the corporate culture and practice from an employer and employee perspective.
- To ensure a legislative and institutional framework for an effective industrial relations system,
- To help better manage and monitor policy issues,
- To develop understanding in conducting collective bargain- ing negotiations between employers and trade unions,
- To help adopt mandatory tools made available for in the law for
Course Content: Post Graduate Diploma
- Employment Concepts, Evolution of Employment and Industrial Relations
- Conditions of Employment; Law and Practices in Pakistan
- Law and Practice of Industrial Relations in Pakistan
- Managerial Communications
- Managing Employee and Industrial Relations
- Working Conditions and Wages; Law and practices in Pakistan
- Employee Welfare and HRD Law and Practices in Pakistan
- Accounting and Finance
Other Details & Special Features
- Classes will be held on weekends, i.e. Saturday & Sundays,
- There will be 12 Sessions of three hours for each subject.
- Classes will be held in the premises of the Institute of Business Administration (IBA) and Employers’ Federation of Pakistan (EFP).
- Seasoned faculty will be drawn from Academia, ITC/ILO Trained Experts, Senior Executives from the top-notch companies.
- Awarding of the diploma is subjected to frequent assessments, assignments, quizzes, projects, presentations and 80% attendance in class.
Field visits will be organized depending on the need of the subject to acclimatize student with best practices in the use of tools and techniques related to Employment Laws and Industrial Relations as per National and International standards.
Admission Process
The intending students may obtain the application forms for admission in Diploma Program in Employment Laws and Industrial Relations, from the following website or offices:
- https://sdp.iba.edu.pk/ or Skills Development Program | Center for Executive Education | Institute of Business Administration, City Campus Off. Garden Road, Karachi-74400.
- https://efp.org.pk/efp/ or EFP Secretariat, State Life Building No. 2, I. I. Chundrigarh Road, Karachi.
- The companies may also nominate their employees for this Diploma program and submit the application form with relevant details.
- Interested candidates may obtain an application form against payment of Rs.1000/- as a processing fee through fee voucher (nonrefundable) link: https://rb.gy/yq1ghs Submit it at IBA or EFP offices.
- Selection of candidates will be made through entry assessment.
Who Can Apply?
Those who possess…
- Minimum qualification: Bachelor’s degree in Arts, Science, Law, Commerce, Engineering, Medicine, Pharmacy or any other degree with second division or equivalent from accredited Colleges, Universities / Colleges / in Pakistan.
- Overseas bachelor’s degree or equivalent recognized by HEC.
*Subject to revision by the IBA / EFP Management
Program Fees: PKR 150,000/- (excluding of 5% SST)
20% early bird discount will be offered for registering before July 14, 2023.
(Discount available for students paying their fees in one go. Early bird discount unavailable for students opting to pay fee in installments)
Fee Includes: Test and Exam Fees, Diploma and Transcript. Fees do not include course material, books, stationery, lunch and refreshments. Registration fees PKR 1,000/-
Institute of Business Administration
City Campus, Garden/Kayani Shaheed Road,
Karachi-74400, Pakistan
Phone : +92 3122554902; 021-111 422 422; 021-38104700-01 Ext. 1812, 1813, 1808, 1809
Fax: 92-21-99261508
Email: marehman@iba.edu.pk
Website: http://cee.iba.edu.pk
Employers Federation of Pakistan
2nd Floor, State Life Building No.2, Wallace Road,
Off. I.I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi 74000, Pakistan
Phone: (+92-21) 32412708
Fax: (+92-21) 32439347
Email: info@efp.org.pk
Website: www.efp.org.pk
Objectives of the Diploma:
Employment laws – Examine and Evaluate its Compliance.
Identify gaps in Compliance with the labor laws and Preparation for Inspection.
Integration of IR & HR into the corporate culture – Employer and Employee perspective.
Legislative and Institutional Framework – Industrial Relations System.
Management and Monitoring of Policy issues.
Conducting Collective Bargaining Negotiations between Employers and Trade Unions.
Mandatory Tools available the Law – Good Industrial Relations.

Lecture (Classroom & Video Conference)
Project (Live business cases from the organizations)
Group Activities / Simulations/ Syndicate
Visits: Strategic Locations
Learning Management System
Learning from the practitioners
Guest Speakers
In-depth study of various projects in Pakistan
Case Studies
International Journals
Text Books