EFP invites you to join its IR, HR & OSH&E Forum:
The objective of the IR, HR, and OSH&E Forum is to provide a platform to our member organizations to interact on issues of current nature relating to Labor, Corporate, Intellectual property, environment and industry.
This be a very useful and value-added activity for the IR, HR & OSH&E Professionals, the opportunity of which is not so freely available because of the madness of their preoccupations.
Basic Guidelines for Participation:
To ensure the best possible experience for all members, we have established some basic guidelines for participation.
- The Forum is available to a professional HR/IR/OSH&E Executive / Manager of a company that is a member of EFP
- The participants/nominee of a company must fill the prescribed Membership Application Form to be a member of the IR/HR/OSH&E Forum. Only members so registered with the EFP will be eligible to participate in the activities of the WhatsApp Group of the Forum.
Participation in the EFP’s IR-HR & OSH&E WhatsApp Group is governed by the EFP Administrators.
Keeping this in view, we have made WhatsApp Groups of the IR/HR and OSH&E Forum in which representatives of Member Organizations are directly in contact with the Federation at all times.
* By joining and using this Forum, you agree that you have read and will follow these Rules and Regulations and participation will be deemed to be your acceptance of the Code of Conduct.

The following Code of Conduct shall apply to the participants of the WhatsApp Group:
- WhatsApp Group is a great medium to solicit the advice of your peers, benefit from their experience, and participate in an ongoing conversation on current/burning issues of IR/HR/OSH&E.
- Do not send messages that are irrelevant/unrelated to the purpose of the Forum
- Reserve discussions and share files and content to that best suited to the medium
- Be positive and avoid offensive communication.
If a member of the WhatsApp Group violates the Rules of the above-mentioned Code of Conduct, the following actions may be taken by the EFP Administrators, as appropriate:
- Verbal/written warning regarding behavior – to the individual and the member organization represented by such individuals.
- Removal of the individual from the WhatsApp Group of the Forum – temporarily or permanently.