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AOTS-EFP Hybrid Program on Management Training Program [MTP]


We are pleased to announce the EFP-AOTS hybrid instructors program on Management Training Program [MTP] with the following timelines: 

  • First Half – Online: 4-12 June 2024
  • Second Half – In person:  3-11 July 2024, Osaka, Japan

Objectives of this Course
The “Management Training Program (MTP)” is a training program conducted by the Japan Industrial Training Association (JITA). It is a systematic program to learn “the basics of management” required by “Managers” of any level who have a subordinate. In this program, participants will learn the whole “MTP” and will also acquire the skills to perform as an MTP instructor. After completion of the program, participants will be officially accredited as MTP instructors and be eligible to instruct in their company/organization for public interest purposes

Seminar Elements:

  1. Lectures by specialists and experts
  2. Company visits to observe Industrial Relations (IR) and Human Resource Management (HRM) practices in Japan
  3. Creating an action plan to improve IR and HRM in participants’ respective companies/ Organizations

Nomination Procedure

  • Phase I – Registration
  1. Fill in and submit the attached Nomination Form at (Download from below)
  2. Registration fee of Rs. 5,000/- must be paid
  3. Only Shortlisted Candidates will proceed to Phase II
Deadline for Registration 09 June 2023
  • Phase II – Final Selection (For Shortlisted Candidates:)
  1. Submission of the Application Form which will be shared with the shortlisted candidates from Phase I
  2. A Processing Fee of Rs. 128,866 (incl. of taxes) must be submitted with the Application Form
  3. The deadline for submission is 16 June 2023 
Note: EFP would return/refund the Processing Fee to nominees not selected by AOTS. In case the nominated company itself withdraws nomination at any stage, the Processing Fees shall not be refundable