This Diploma in Employment Laws and Industrial Relations (Level 1) will equip HR/ IR managers, operational managers, and HR/ IR professionals and practitioners with all the necessary tools and techniques for developing a better understanding of industrial relations, learning employment laws of Pakistan, its applicability at the workplace, its need,…
Overview We are pleased to announce the EFP-AOTS hybrid program on Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management for Executives [ERHE] with the following timelines: First Half – Online: 08, 09, 22, 23, 24 August 2023 Second Half – In person: 25-29 September 2023 Objectives of this Course The seminar aims for participants to…
The Pakistan Business Disability Network (PBDN) has been established by the Employer’s Federation of Pakistan (EFP) with the support of Sightsavers and the International Labour Organization (ILO). The PBDN is an employer-led forum promoting and facilitating the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the job market for their social and…
It is informed that the International Labour Conference has upgraded and added two ILO Conventions C-155 and C-187 on Occupational Safety and Health to the existing Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (FPRW). The ILO member states are now required to respect and promote these Principles and Rights irrespective of…
It is informed that the International Labour Conference has upgraded and added two ILO Conventions C-155 and C-187 on Occupational Safety and Health to the existing Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (FPRW). The ILO member states are now required to respect and promote these Principles and Rights irrespective of…